投诉 & 不满 Process (FAIR)

Fast and Impartial Resolution (FAIR) 投诉 and 不满 Process

Civil Rights and Equity Office


的 University 提供了 a 投诉 and 不满 通过公平程序(快速和公正的解决方案)寻求其中一项或两项解决方案的政策和程序. 这一程序为公平公正地解决投诉提供了一种方法, misunderstandings, and grievances for University employees.

员工可能会担心他们认为不公平的工作环境,或者他们可能会觉得大学的政策和程序对他们不公平. 理想情况下,员工能够与他们的主管讨论并解决这些问题. 然而, if concerns remain unresolved, 鼓励员工利用FAIR作为解决问题的正式方法. By working cooperatively to resolve issues as they arise, 员工和其他相关方可以改善和加强大学社区的工作环境.

What are the options under FAIR?

的re are two components to FAIR:

  1. 投诉 process provides the opportunity for employees to have work-related problems heard and considered in a non-adversarial manner; and
  2. 不满 程序为员工提供了解决涉嫌违反大学规定的机会, University System, and/or Board of Trustees policies.

这是两个不同但相关的过程,旨在解决与工作相关的问题和/或误解. Eligible faculty and staff may use either procedure solely and separately, 或者可以将投诉程序作为申诉程序的第一步. 公平的目的是帮助教师和员工在一个中立的环境中解决问题,使所有参与的人都满意.

Are there advantages to first filing a 投诉 instead of a 不满?

投诉可以提交,而不是作为申诉过程的第一阶段. 的 投诉 process:

  • 在解决与工作有关的问题时,是否可以作为一种不那么正式的程序
  • 提供了 便利化 as the primary problem resolution process….talking the issue out with the assistance of a third-party facilitator
  • is fast -- it allows parties to resolve issues quickly
  • 在法律要求和组织责任范围内,是否有合理的保密期望. 投诉信息应保存在人力资源部的保密档案中。, 只有那些参与投诉过程的个人和有正式需要了解情况的适当管理人员才能访问.
  • provides equal opportunity for involved parties to share concerns and issues
  • allows parties to create their own problem resolution
  • may be brought forward at any time. 然而, in order for the complaint to continue into the grievance procedure, 投诉必须在下文“投诉流程”规定的10天时间内提出.

他们是怎么做到的 投诉 处理工作?

  • 合格的教职员工可以通过将投诉通知其人力资源合作伙伴并表明寻求解决方案的愿望来登记投诉. 如果员工希望在提交申诉的最后期限前完成投诉,则 FAIR notice form must be completed and submitted to HR by 4:30 p.m. 自员工意识到导致投诉或涉嫌违反政策的行为之日起的第10个日历日,并在其发生之日起一年内.
  • After considering the nature of the complaint, 人力资源合伙人将发起讨论,目标是解决问题. Options to pursue resolution will include, but not be limited to, discussions with the supervisor, informal investigation of facts, 及/或利用第三方协助调解投诉人与决策者(被投诉人)之间的关系.
  • 如果所选择的方案不能使投诉得到满意的解决, the HR Partner may, as appropriate, require any of the following: a report from the investigator of the facts of the case; a report from the facilitator about the potential solutions; a report from the supervisor about the reasons that no resolution or settlement was reached. 人力资源部将为任何报告确定适当的时间框架或跟进所需的报告.
  • If the complaint also qualifies as a grievance, 教师或工作人员可以在上述10天期限内提交书面申诉. 人力资源部门将确定投诉程序结束的时间点. If the complaint continues as a grievance, the grievance will continue at 一步我 or II as appropriate (see below).

Under what circumstances would I file a 不满?

A grievance is a written statement alleging a violation of UNH, University System, or Board of Trustees policy. 员工可以使用申诉流程作为解决涉嫌违规行为的机制. 申诉程序不得用于审查行政判决的实质性是非曲直, performance evaluation, or other discretionary act or decision, 除非有必要指控违反了不歧视政策.

Status faculty and staff members are eligible to file a grievance, 集体谈判协议所涵盖的教员和主要行政人员除外. 刚入职初期的工作人员不得使用申诉程序对因不能满足职位要求而被解雇提出上诉.

What is the process for filing a 不满 and what is the time line?

的 grievant completes a 公平的形式 其中包括一份书面的申诉声明,并将其提交给联合国大学人力资源部. 该声明将包括被指控违反的具体政策或政策,以及被指控违反的简要声明和所需的解决方案.



What are the FAIR Process Steps?


For additional information, 查看UNH / USNH在线政策手册或致电人力资源部(603)862-0544.